Screening for sexually transmitted infections
STIs are illnesses that occur in the body as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse. As medical practice shows, on average, up to three dozen infectious agents can be transmitted per act, the most frequent of which are ureaplasmas, gonococci, chlamydia and Trichomonas.
STIs are illnesses that occur in the body as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse. As medical practice shows, on average, up to three dozen infectious agents can be transmitted per act, the most frequent of which are ureaplasmas, gonococci, chlamydia and Trichomonas.
Screening for STIs (optionally, it can be anonymous) includes:
- primary appointment of a dermatovenerologist,
- laboratory tests for the presence of pathogens that cause infections;
- repeated reception of the doctor-dermatologist.
This survey is indicated for both men and women. Women are recommended to take tests in the first or second phase of the menstrual cycle. Two days before the tests, you should refrain from sexual contact, vaginal ultrasound and taking antibacterial drugs.

Toksovskaya MB conducts a survey for sexually transmitted infections on a paid basis
You can conduct a survey in the Polyclinic Toksovo
Cost of the survey
2300 rubles
References and registration in the register office of the Polyclinic Toksovo.